Download into the breach wow
Download into the breach wow

download into the breach wow

I can understand the rationale of changing the glyph system to be different than simply +5% DPS options the Enchanting and Gemming system already has you well covered there. Which reminds me: designers, stop being idiotic by ignoring opportunity costs. Oh, this one looks fun… I’ll take it.” The glyph system felt similarly serine, although that was mainly because there did not appear to be any actual useful glyphs for Retribution. I’ll probably use this one more than that one. In fact, it was the first time in years where the entire talent selection process felt… pleasant. When it came time to assign talent points, I did not feel the immediate need to look builds up on ElitistJerks. There were some things I appreciated though. You never know how much you can miss simply moving shit around until it’s gone. And can a brother move a goddamn window please? Maybe I want my quest text a little more to the center of the screen. Nope, I have that key bound to Crusader Strike (or whatever primary attack I have for the class/spec I’m playing) because, you know, solely clicking on shit with the mouse never went out of style. For example, I kept trying to press E to interact with NPCs or loot bodies. Unlike a lot of GW2 ex-pats, the clunkiness I experienced with, say, the combat had nothing to do with standing still and trading blows – it was with much simpler things. Eventually, I wised up and Googled my way to the UI Scale slider, but this was way after any rational person would have given up.Īfter two days of screwing around, I did approximately six of the new Pandaria quests before I simply logged off. My initial scan of the options left me with the impression that no scaling UI option existed, so I ended up spending most of Tuesday mucking around with the impenetrable MoveAnything addon and reconfiguring by hand. Now that I have a 24″ monitor that nags me for being in anything less than 1920×1080, within five minutes I started developing neck pain from having to look to the far corners of the screen to squint at quest text. When I looked at my old WoW screenshots, it looks like I was running around in 1280×960 resolution, which was fine at the time. Not quite PlanetSide 2 starting experience bad, but close. To someone just coming back into WoW from a long absence, the returning user experience is pretty bad. It has been more than a year since I last played, and I understand that a lot of my ire would not exist had I been playing continuously this whole time. I say “technically” as the first two sessions were 1-2 hours long and essentially involved me downloading and configuring over a dozen addons because Blizzard’s UI options are atrocious. Awakening at my favorite spot after 1.5+ years.

Download into the breach wow