Steam cant download anything because workshop update 0 kb
Steam cant download anything because workshop update 0 kb

Once all the new modified files are built out of their chunks, they're moved over to the game's install folder. It goes through and works out for that file which chunks it needs to download, and which it can copy over from what's already installed. It works out which files have been modified, and it allocates space for that new file. Now, when Steam finds out there's a new update been released for one of your games, it goes and grabs the manifest for it, and compares that against the manifest for what you already have installed.

steam cant download anything because workshop update 0 kb

If there's anything entirely new, that gets uploaded as new chunks. When the developers release an update, Steam analyses the files, and works out how it can make the files out of chunks it already knows about.

steam cant download anything because workshop update 0 kb

For each version of the game, there's a manifest that tells you how to assemble those chunks into the game's files. So every game on Steam is broken down into chunks that are approximately 1 MB in size.

Steam cant download anything because workshop update 0 kb